Homeopathic medicine is a chemical diluted down to the point where there is likely not a single molecule of the active ingredient, and it is literally nothing but water. As you might imagine, this makes it precisely as effective as a medicine as tap water would be.
By: Sandy
You, sir, have given me hope. The internet shouldn't be a you are either on my side or you are a troll type of discussion. It's sad that one viewpoint ends up down voting the other into oblivion so that reasonable voices, like the one you just issued, are hardly heard. Thanks for sharing your view.
By: Leif
I've been through a similar situation. Our math prof, who had a masters in engineering and whatnot was teaching us octal number systems. He was relating an octagon to the number 8, but when he drew it on the board it was clearly a hexagon. I noticed it, I know my buddy noticed it, but I said nothing because that would probably make him feel like shit if someone told him.