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As waves crash calmly to shore, best galpals Ally Breelsen togetherwith Victoria Traveller create their way to the water's border too lay downward a towel. They're both excited to pass their twenty-fourhourperiod inward a secluded alcove by the bodyofwater without interruptions. After lathering upwards with suntan lotion togetherwith playing around a scrap, the warm sunbeams lull Ally into closing her eyes. When Ally falls asleep, playful Victoria reaches into her lunchbox to draw out a surprise: a massive dildo! Ally wakes upwards with the sex toy resting on her dorsum, too counters with a double headed toy of her ain to playfully prank Victoria dorsum. The surround is just too much fun, too relaxing, aswellas presently both girls are lying on the beach towel next to each other naked, playing with vagina inadditionto sucking on tits. The waves mightiness be beautiful, but no sight nearby is as breathtaking as these ii babes getting busy.

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