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Erica Fontes could non be morethan excited for her deep tissue massage this afternoon. Before her masseur arrives at her house to rub oil into her body aswellas stretch her limbs, Erica relaxed inwards the bath, too allow bodyofwater sluice downwards her dorsum inadditionto the crevice of her juicy asshole. When her therapist arrived, Erica set the tone by walking to the tabulararray completely naked, teasing her visitor with a peek at her flawless vagina from behind. As the massage progressed, Erica flipped over on the tabulararray, exposing her large false tits togetherwith making it really clear she was thirsty for hot gender. After casting her towel to the ground too guiding Pablo's fingers to her clit, Erica got exactly the hard, deep fuck she so craved.

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